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Texas Legislature: 2021 Bills on the move – April 12-16

Texas Association of Counties (TAC) Legislative Services staff has highlighted the 2021 Bills on the move for the week of April 12-16. These include several bills in line with state leadership priorities.

HB 3   Burrows, Dustin relating to state and local government responses to a pandemic disaster; creating a criminal offense. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-11-21
House Committee action pending House State Affairs
HB 4   Price, Four relating to the provision and delivery of health care services under Medicaid and other public benefits programs using telecommunications or information technology and to reimbursement for some of those services. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21
House Passed (Vote: Y:145/N: 0)
HB 6   Cain, Briscoe relating to election integrity and preservation of the purity of the ballot box through the prevention of fraud in the conduct of an election; increasing criminal penalties; creating criminal offenses. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-8-21 House Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Elections
HB 12   Raymond, Richard relating to a study on a statewide disaster alert system and implementation of that system and to notice to elected officials of a widespread power, water, or natural gas outage or emergency. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-8-21
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Jurisprudence
HB 29   Swanson, Valoree relating to authorizing the provision of temporary secure storage for weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing fees. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-15-21
House Passed to third reading (Vote: Y:114/N: 24)
HB 54   Talarico, James relating to accompanying and filming peace officers of state and local law enforcement agencies for producing reality television programs. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Passed (Vote: Y:110/N: 34)
HB 88   Thompson, Senfronia relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, witnesses to the commission of those offenses, and other members of the public, to peace officer liability for those interactions, and to the confinement, conviction, or release of detained or arrested individuals. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-25-21 
House Committee action pending House Homeland Security and Public Safety
HB 132   Canales, Terry relating to criminal asset forfeiture proceedings. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-15-21 
House Committee action pending House Criminal Jurisprudence
HB 192   Ortega, Lina relating to the continuing education requirement for county commissioners. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Voted favorably from committee as substituted House County Affairs
HB 242   Zwiener, Erin relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to require water pollution abatement plans from certain facilities regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Committee action pending House Natural Resources
HB 251   Thompson, Senfrronia relating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-15-21 
House Committee action pending House Criminal Jurisprudence
HB 327   Howard, Donna relating to the Internet broadcast or audio recording of certain open meetings. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-31-21 
House Reported favorably from committee on House State Affairs
HB 362   Sherman, Carl relating to the authority of a county to require electronic bids or proposals for competitive bidding. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-13-21
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Local Government
HB 416   Walle, Armando relating to plot plan requirements for an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Voted favorably from committee on House Environmental Regulation
HB 442   Israel, Celia relating to the prima facie speed limit on certain streets and highways. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Voted favorably from committee on House Transportation
HB 463   Shaheen, Matt relating to ineligibility to serve as a poll watcher. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House Elections
HB 525   Shaheen, Matt relating to the protection of religious organizations. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
House Reported favorably from committee on House State Affairs
HB 611   Swanson, Valoree relating to the assistance of voters; creating a criminal offense. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House Elections
HB 639   White, James relating to the authority of an emergency services district to provide public health services; authorizing a fee. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Voted favorably from committee as substituted House County Affairs
HB 667   Dutton, Harold relating to asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-15-21 
House Committee action pending House Criminal Jurisprudence
HB 689   Collier, Nicole relating to the appearance of an arrested person before a magistrate and to the retention of certain related records. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House Criminal Jurisprudence
HB 749   Middleton, Maye relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying activities. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-25-21 
House Committee action pending House State Affairs
HB 840   Moody, Joe relating to the selection of public members to serve on a county’s salary grievance committee. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Local Government
HB 1034   Goodwin, Vikki relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire or wildland-urban interface code. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-16-21 
House Committee action pending House Land and Resource Management
HB 1082   King, Phil relating to the availability of personal information of an elected public officer. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate State Affairs
HB 1118   Capriglione, Giovanni relating to the state agency and local government compliance with cybersecurity training requirements. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-19-21 
Senate Meeting set for 10:00 A.M., E1.036, Senate Finance
HB 1122   Darby, Drew relating to county road reports. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Received in the Senate
HB 1128   Jetton, Jacey relating to persons permitted to be in a polling place or a place where ballots are being counted. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House Elections
HB 1159   Murr, Andrew relating to the maximum judgment amount awarded by a justice court in certain civil cases regarding the repair of residential rental property. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-9-21 
House Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar
HB 1239   Sanford, Scott relating to the prohibited suspension of laws protecting religious freedom and prohibited closure of places of worship. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Received in the Senate
HB 1264   Bell, Keith relating to the time for making required reports of deceased residents of this state to a voter registrar and to the secretary of state. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate State Affairs
HB 1396   White, James relating to law enforcement agencies and policies and procedures affecting peace officers. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-25-21 
House Committee action pending House Homeland Security and Public Safety
HB 1418   Leach, Jeff relating to civil liability and responsibility for the consequences of defects in the plans, specifications, or related documents for the construction or repair of an improvement to real property. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
HB 1419   Hull, Lacey (F) relating to the duties of a law enforcement agency regarding missing children and missing persons and to the duties of a justice of the peace or other investigator regarding unidentified bodies. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Criminal Justice
HB 1441   Schaefer, Matt relating to the state’s burden of proof in certain asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-7-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House Criminal Jurisprudence
HB 1495   Dutton, Harold relating to the award of court costs and attorney’s fees in certain actions challenging certain local laws or the failure of an officer of certain political subdivisions to perform certain acts. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-17-21 
House Committee action pending House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
HB 1578   Landgraf, Brooks relating to recovery of attorney’s fees in certain civil cases. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-19-21 
House Set on the House Calendar
HB 1622   Guillen, Ryan relating to reporting of early voting rosters. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Passed to third reading (Vote: Y:137/N: 0)
HB 1756   Burns, DeWayne relating to county appropriations to historical foundations or organizations. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar
HB 1831   Rogers, Glenn relating to annual continuing education requirements for certain court clerks. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Jurisprudence
HB 1869   Burrows, Dustin relating to the definition of debt for the purposes of calculating certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Voted favorably from committee as amended House Ways and Means
HB 2019   Hefner, Cole relating to a study of the conversion of surface mine pits and quarries to water storage reservoirs in order to enhance this state’s available water supply. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Committee action pending House Administration
HB 2051   Gervin-Hawkins, relating to the requirement for payment bonds from certain public work contractors. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Committee action pending House State Affairs
HB 2057   Klick, Stephani relating to the timing of changes to county election precincts. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Passed to third reading
HB 2073   Burrows, Dustin relating to quarantine leave for fire fighters, peace officers, detention officers, and emergency medical technicians employed by, appointed by, or elected for a political subdivision. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Local Government
HB 2152   Meyer, Morgan relating to the online renewal of vehicle registration. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-9-21 
House Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar
HB 2197   Hull, Lacey (F) relating to the statement of residence required to vote. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-8-21 
House Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar
HB 2204   Thompson, Senfronia relating to the conduct of charitable bingo. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted Licensing and Administrative Procedures
HB 2306   Fierro, Art relating to the denial of the registration of a motor vehicle based on certain information provided by a county to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
House Committee action pending House Transportation
HB 2335   Middleton, Mayes relating to civil liability of certain prosecutors for policies related to the prosecution of rioters. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-24-21 
House Committee action pending House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
HB 2429   Meyer, Morgan relating to the alternate provisions for ad valorem tax rate notices when the de minimis rate of a taxing unit exceeds the voter-approval tax rate. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
Senate Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Local Government
HB 2430   Murr, Andrew relating to the mileage expense reimbursement for certain temporary justices of the peace. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Recommended for Local and Consent Calendar
HB 2438   Meyer, Morgan relating to municipalities and counties that adopt budgets that defund law enforcement agencies. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means
HB 2539   Turner, John relating to the distribution of funds designated for the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Committee action pending House Environmental Regulation
HB 2640   King, Tracy relating to authorizing certain political subdivisions to change the date on which their general election for officers is held. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-16-21 
House Set on the Local Calendar
HB 2695   Noble, Candy relating to municipalities and counties that adopt budgets that defund law enforcement agencies. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means
HB 2730   Deshotel, Joe relating to the acquisition of real property by an entity with eminent domain authority. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-30-21 
House Committee action pending House Land and Resource Management
HB 2809   Murphy, Jim relating to the applicability of certain laws relating to contingent fee contracts for legal services entered into by certain political subdivisions. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-16-21 
House Set on the Local Calendar
HB 3021   Burns, DeWayne relating to municipalities and counties that adopt budgets that defund law enforcement agencies. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Voted favorably from committee as substituted House Ways and Means
HB 3113   Thompson, Ed relating to the county in which a motor vehicle dealer may apply for the registration of and title for certain vehicles sold by the dealer. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Voted favorably from committee on House Transportation
HB 3345   Wu, Gene relating to public access to the audit records of certain governmental entities. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Committee action pending House State Affairs
HB 3376   Meyer, Morgan relating to the effect of a disaster on the calculation of certain tax rates and the procedure for adoption of a tax rate by a taxing unit. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Reported favorably from committee on House Ways and Means
HB 3687   Capriglione, Giovanni relating to the disclosure of lobbying contract information by political subdivisions. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-25-21 
House Committee action pending House State Affairs
HB 3774   Leach, Jeff relating to the operation and administration of and practice and procedure related to proceedings in the judicial branch of state government. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
House Committee action pending House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
HB 3853   Anderson, Doc relating to middle mile broadband service provided by an electric utility. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Reported from committee as substituted House State Affairs
HB 3897   Thompson, Senfr relating to fees levied by municipalities and counties for alcoholic beverage permits and licenses. (FIL)
Last Action: 3-31-21 
House Committee action pending Licensing and Administrative Procedures
HB 4085   Bonnen, Greg relating to certain meetings of a commissioners court during a disaster or emergency. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Voted favorably from committee on House County Affairs
HB 4146   King, Tracy relating to a restriction on permits authorizing direct discharges of waste or pollutants into water in certain stream segments or assessment units. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Committee action pending House Environmental Regulation
HJR 120   Middleton, Mayes proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the office of county treasurer of Galveston County. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-20-21 
House Meeting set for 10:30 A.M. OR ADJ., E2.012, House County Affairs
HR 237   Rogers, Glenn Processing and storing voting machine records
Last Action: 3-25-21 
House Voted favorably from committee on House Elections
SB 1   Nelson, Jane relating to appropriations for the 2022-2023 biennium. (HCS)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Calendar rules adopted for amendment consideration
RV – Y:146 N:0
SB 5   Nichols, Robert relating to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-7-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House State Affairs
SB 7   Hughes, Bryan relating to elections, including election integrity and security; creating criminal offenses; providing civil penalties. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Elections
SB 10   Bettencourt, Paul relating to the use by a county or municipality of public money for lobbying activities. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Received in the House
SB 14   Creighton, Brandon relating to the regulation by a municipality or county of certain employment benefits and policies. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Received in the House
SB 21   Huffman, Joan relating to rules for fixing the amount of bail, to the release of certain defendants on a bail bond or personal bond, to related duties of certain officers taking bail bonds and of a magistrate in a criminal case, to charitable bail organizations, and to the reporting of information pertaining to bail bonds. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Received in the House
SB 26   Paxton, Angela relating to the prohibited suspension of laws protecting religious freedom and prohibited closure of places of worship. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House State Affairs
SB 41   Zaffirini, Judith relating to the consolidation and allocation of state civil court costs; increasing certain civil court costs. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Jurisprudence
SB 157   Perry, Charles relating to eminent domain reporting requirements for certain entities. (ENG)
Last Action: 3-29-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Land and Resource Management
SB 160   Perry, Charles relating to certain county road reports. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Transportation
SB 219   Hughes, Bryan relating to civil liability and responsibility for the consequences of defects in the plans, specifications, or related documents for the construction or repair of an improvement to real property. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence
SB 223   Whitmire, John relating to prohibiting law enforcement departments from contracting with television crews to create reality shows. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-13-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Criminal Justice
SB 230   Seliger, Kel relating to the continuing education requirement for county commissioners. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House County Affairs
SB 326   West, Royce relating to the authority of a county to require electronic bids or proposals for competitive bidding. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Local Government
SB 355   Miles, Borris relating to the civil penalty for certain signs placed on the right-of-way of a public road. (SCS)
Last Action: 4-19-21 
Senate Placed on the Senate Calendar for
SB 627   Schwertner, Charles relating to the creation, purpose, implementation, and funding of the County Park Beautification and Improvement Program. (FIL)
Last Action: 2-9-21 
Senate Reported favorably from committee on Senate Committee on Administration
SB 865   Creighton, Brandon relating to a power outage alert system and a study on a statewide disaster alert system. (SCS)
Last Action: 4-19-21 
Senate Set on the Local Calendar
SB 876   Hancock, Kelly relating to the county in which a person may apply for the registration of and title for a motor vehicle. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Received in the House
SB 952   Hinojosa, Chuy relating to plot plan requirements for an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-19-21 
Senate Set on the Local Calendar
SB 1018   Zaffirini, Judith relating to an early voting ballot voted by mail. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Received in the House
SB 1025   Birdwell, Brian relating to the authority of the legislature, governor, and certain political subdivisions with respect to disasters and emergencies. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Received in the House
SB 1112   Bettencourt, Paul relating to requirements for an early voting ballot voted by mail; creating a criminal offense. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Elections
SB 1113   Bettencourt, Paul relating to a registrar’s failure to cancel voter registrations under applicable law. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Elections
SB 1234   Hughes, Bryan relating to a requirement that a voting system use a paper record or produce a paper receipt for verification purposes. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Referred to House Committee on House Elections
SB 1343   Taylor, Larry relating to certain meetings of a commissioners court during a disaster or emergency. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
Senate Voted favorably from committee on Senate Business and Commerce
SB 1357   Hughes, Bryan relating to deadlines associated with proposing and adopting a budget for certain counties. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Local Government
SB 1401   Springer, Drew relating to quarantine leave for fire fighters, peace officers, and emergency medical technicians employed by, appointed by, or elected for a political subdivision. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Local Government
SB 1429   Bettencourt, Paul relating to the alternate provisions for ad valorem tax rate notices when the de minimis rate of a taxing unit exceeds the voter-approval tax rate. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-12-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Local Government
SB 1437   Bettencourt, Paul relating to the requirement that certain municipalities and counties conduct an efficiency audit before holding an election to approve the adoption of certain ad valorem tax rates. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Local Government
SB 1438   Bettencourt, Paul relating to the effect of a disaster on the calculation of certain tax rates and the procedure for adoption of a tax rate by a taxing unit. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-19-21 
Senate Placed on the Senate Calendar for
SB 1650   Perry, Charles relating to middle mile broadband service provided by an electric utility. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-15-21 
House Received in the House
SB 1814   Seliger, Kel relating to oversize and overweight vehicle permits. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-14-21 
Senate Voted favorably from committee as substituted Senate Transportation
SB 1879   Bettencourt, Paul relating to the authorization and reporting of expenditures for lobbying activities by certain political subdivisions and other public entities. (FIL)
Last Action: 4-6-21 
Senate Committee action pending Senate Local Government
SJR 45   Birdwell, Brian proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the powers of the governor, the legislature, and the supreme court following certain disaster or emergency declarations. (ENG)
Last Action: 4-14-21
House Received in the House

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