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Voters pass measure making Lubbock the largest city in Texas to ban abortions

Voters in Lubbock, Texas, approved Proposition A by a vote of 62% to 38% on May 1. The measure amended city ordinances to ban abortions within the city and to declare Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.

Twenty-two other cities in Texas and two in Nebraska have also banned abortions by city ordinance. Lubbock is the largest city and the only city with an active abortion clinic to do so.

Proposition A was put on the ballot through a citizen initiative signature petition. Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn needed 3,651 signatures to qualify the measure for the ballot. On October 13, 2020, the group submitted 4,526 valid signatures.

At least three states – Kansas, Kentucky, and Montana – will vote on statewide ballot measures concerning abortion in 2022.

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