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City of San Marcos accepting applications for Coronavirus Relief Grants

Applications are now open for City of San Marcos Coronavirus Relief-General Fund Grants. A total of $640,000 is available through grants that are intended to support the creation or expansion of programs or projects that assist individuals negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The funding for the grants represents a portion of the coronavirus relief funding the City received through the Texas Division of Emergency Management. Grants through this program will be directly administered from the City and will not have the same restrictions and requirements as federal assistance funds.

Applications for this grant program may be submitted by non-profit organizations, a public housing authority, government agencies, and City departments. Applications from individuals in need of personal housing or other financial assistance will not be accepted through this process.

Applications may be downloaded from the City’s website at http://sanmarcostx.gov/1496/Current-Open-Applications. Completed applications must be submitted to cdbg@sanmarcostx.gov by 12 a.m. Sunday, June 6.

The City will host a virtual applicant workshop on Thursday, May 20 beginning at 10 a.m. A Spanish translator will be available. A link to view the workshop will be provided at http://sanmarcostx.gov/1496/Current-Open-Applications on the day of the meeting.

For additional information contact Housing and Community Development Manager Carol Griffith at 512.393.8147 or cgriffith@sanmarcostx.gov.

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