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Sections of playscape to close at San Marcos Children’s Park

Beginning Friday, sections of the playscape at Children’s Park will close while a shade structure is installed over the playground. The closures are necessary to ensure safety while the project is completed.

Children’s Park will remain open during the installation. Playscape closures will occur in three sections: the glass bottom boat teaching area, Lil’ Lost Lagoon (ages 2-5), and Adventure Cove (ages 5-12). Portions of the playscape will remain open during regular hours, from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., throughout the project.

“We are excited to have the shade structure installed before summer begins and temperatures really warm up,” said Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Jamie Lee Case. “We want to thank everyone for being patient while we make this great feature even better for the community.”

The SMTX Community Services Facebook page will be updated regularly with information about playscape section closures. The shade structure installation project is expected to be completed before Memorial Day weekend, weather permitting.

Residents are invited to visit alternative playgrounds in the area. Playground locations include:

A complete list of neighborhood parks may be found online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/parklist. For a complete list of park rules, visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/parkrules.

For more information, contact parksinfo@sanmarcostx.gov.

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