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Motorcycle Theft Prevention Tips During Austin’s Republic of Texas (ROT) Rally

The Austin Police Department’s Auto Theft Interdiction Program would like to remind everyone that thousands of motorcyclists will be in Austin attending the Republic of Texas (ROT) Rally June 9-12, 2016. During the rally, criminals will be looking for opportunities to steal motorcycles.


Don’t assume your motorcycle is safe. Criminals steal motorcycles to make a quick profit. Criminals ride away on easy targets or lift them into trucks or vans if they’re not secured to a stationary object. Stolen motorcycles are often sold to unsuspecting buyers online or stripped of easy to sell parts.


These crimes are preventable if you take a few extra moments to reduce your risk of being a victim.


Take these precautions to make your motorcycle less of a target:

  • Lock your ignition and remove the key, many thefts occur when the ignition is off but left unlocked
  • Lock the forks and disc brakes
  • Lock your motorcycle to a fixed object or to another motorcycle when traveling with others
  • Do not store the title, registration or insurance information in your motorcycle
  • Add an audible alarm or GPS tracking device
  • Choose a well-lit, secure area to park and check on your motorcycle periodically
  • If you see an outdoor security camera, park your motorcycle within the camera’s view


APD would also like to remind drivers to be patient and use extra precaution when driving. Make sure not to drive distracted, watch out for pedestrians and obey traffic laws.

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