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Biden administration threatens to sue after Texas officials say they’ll yank licenses from facilities housing unaccompanied migrant children

A federal attorney claims an order from Gov. Greg Abbott violates the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause and said legal action could follow if the state carries through with plans to pull licenses from the federally contracted facilities.

By Reese Oxner


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One Comment

  1. Sue away. They are state facilities. The feds have gotten drunk on Unfunded Mandates. This one levees a mandate to assist with illegal activities. That means any agreement is void and unenforceable.

    There is plenty of federal land out there. Biden can order ICE & HHS to build more camps. But then Biden might actually have to admit the border is being overwhelmed, and Kamala will get more questions about when she’ll finally take time from the world tour to visit the border states.

    Instead of acting, OBiden attempts to distract by suing a state for acting lawfully.

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