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Texas School Safety Center celebrates commitment of school personnel during pandemic

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS – The Texas School Safety Center at Texas State University has released a new public service announcement to recognize the efforts and sacrifices that school personnel have made daily during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure students thrive.

The PSA video, “You Are Our Heroes!” was created to honor the incredible efforts put forth by everyone in Texas’ school communities the past two years.

Viewable at https://txssc.txstate.edu/videos/our-heroes/, the downloadable video celebrates school administrators, school-based law enforcement, school staff, teachers and parents.

The video was inspired by the TxSSC research division’s work that focused on talking with K-12 school personnel about navigating the various challenges for schools throughout the pandemic. The work inspired the TxSSC to develop a PSA to say thank you to the unsung heroes in Texas schools.

About the Texas School Safety Center

The TxSSC is an official university-level research center at Texas State. Its mission is to serve schools and communities to create safe, secure and healthy environments. The TxSSC provides safety and security information through research, training and technical assistance for K-12 schools and junior colleges throughout the state. To learn more about upcoming training and the resources the TxSSC offers, visit http://txssc.txstate.edu

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