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Summer Sustainable Movie Series starts June 18

Staff Reports

This week, the City’s Keep San Marcos Beautiful program and the non-profit organization Sustainable San Marcos are kicking off a summer movie series focused on environmental awareness and sustainability. The series will begin with a free screening of “Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” at San Marcos Plaza Park, 401 East Hopkins Street, on Friday, June 18.

Beginning at 7:30 p.m., local businesses and organizations will host interactive booths to educate the community on the environmental impact of single-use plastic. The screening will follow the awareness event, beginning at 8:45 p.m.

During the event, members of the community are encouraged to exchange single-use water bottles and shopping bags for reusable items. During the “Plastic Buy-Back” five plastic bottles may be exchanged for one reusable bottle and 10-20 single-use plastic bags may be exchanged for a reusable produce or shopping bag

“We hope that all of San Marcos will be inspired to take action in reversing the damages that plastics have had on our world, starting at the local level,” said Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager Amy Thomaides.

Keep San Marcos Beautiful and Sustainable San Marcos will feature one movie each month through September as part of the summer series:

  • July 16 – Motherload
  • August 20 – Yakona
  • September 10 – Kiss the Ground

For more information about the summer movie series or to get involved with Keep San Marcos Beautiful, email Amy Thomaides atathomaides@sanmarcostx.gov.

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