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Hays CISD mulls 2nd attempt to pass $28M central admin proposition

Hays CISD trustees are renewing their efforts to gain voter approval for the construction of a $29.8 million central administration building.

Board members are considering a November 2 election to pass the proposition that was among three that failed in the school district’s May 2021 bond election.

Materials for the May election sought approval to construct a new 56,845-square-foot building at the site of Hays CISD’s current central office and former transportation headquarters. It would house central office operations as well as other district departments. The transportation building would be renovated to create additional office space.

Preliminary timelines call for construction to start in January 2022 if the proposition passes this fall.

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships.

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One Comment

  1. Just like city hall I WARNED SMISD FOR YEARS ABOUT THE MOLD AND THEY IGNORED ME. I think our local elected officials do not understand the impact their expenditures have on the taxpayers. And, I don’t think they even care. Salaries skyrocket with no accountability.

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