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BREAKING: Matthew Lewis Resigns After City Of Austin’s HR Investigation Findings

Statement from Director Greg Guernsey regarding resignation of CodeNEXT lead


This morning I accepted the resignation of Matt Lewis who was serving as the Assistant Director in my department over Long-Range Planning, Neighborhood Involvement/Implementation, Urban Design, Demographics, and the executive lead over CodeNEXT.


Mr. Lewis was placed on Administrative Leave April 18, 2016 while the Human Resources Department conducted an investigation into allegations involving Mr. Lewis’s professional behavior. After reviewing the findings of those investigations Mr. Lewis opted to resign from the City.


I want to assure everyone that Mr. Lewis’ departure will not affect the work being done by the CodeNEXT team. Jim Robertson, who has served as the Project Manager for over a year, will continue to guide the project forward. I’m confident the CodeNext team is on track to meet its current timeline. The next prescription paper will be released in July and the draft of the code is still scheduled for release in January 2017.


Matthew Lewis started with the City of San Marcos in June of 2009 as Assistant Director of Development Services. Lewis resigned from the City of San Marcos as the Planning and Development Services Director in September of 2014, as he accepted the position with the City of Austin.


With Lewis’ resignation from the City of Austin he left behind a salary of about $131,500 a year.


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