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San Marcos City Council to discuss GSMP contract, funding

By Professor “LMC” Lisa Marie Coppoletta, columnist

On Tuesday, August 03, 2021, the San Marcos City Council will return to the Chambers for a “Work Session” having their first “Virtual/In-Person Meeting” since the COVID-19 Pandemic.

According to the Texas Attorney General website.

On June 30, 2021, Governor Abbott’s office approved a request by the Office of the Attorney General to lift the suspensions of certain provisions of the Open Meetings Act.  The suspensions will lift at 12:01 a.m. on September 1, 2021.

Thus, as of September 1, 2021, all provisions of the Open Meetings Act will be effective and all Texas governmental bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act must conduct their meetings in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act as written in statute.

The 3:00 p.m. “Work Session” will have a presentation and hold a discussion on the contract with the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP).

The Agenda Item reads: 

  1. Receive a presentation and hold discussion on the contract with the Greater San Marcos Partnership, and provide direction to Staff

The GSMP is requesting an increase in funds at the presentation. The final consideration of the contract between the City of San Marcos and GSMP will be presented for council consideration in September of 2021.

City staff is seeking the direction of the terms of the agreement with GSMP and the City of San Marcos should be 3 or 4 years. And, the amount of taxpayer dollars to be awarded to GSMP.





Staff is also seeking direction on any suggested changes in “Scope of Work.”



For additional information on this “Work Session” item, the packet provides these additional attachments.

  1. GSMP Agreement Work Session Presentation 2021-08-03, 2. GSMP Agreement 2021 DRAFT Redline, 3. GSMP Agreement 2021 DRAFT w Accepted Changes, 4. GSMP Agreement Resolution 2018-185

The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 03, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. To review the full agenda, click here.

The City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 03, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. To review the full agenda, click here. You can email city council at CouncilMembers@SanMarcosTX.gov or submit a public comment for Tuesday’s meeting at CitizenComment@SanMarcosTX.gov.

Additionally, you can watch the City Council meeting live or in-person at San Marcos City Hall, 630 E. Hopkins.

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One Comment

  1. So, our local “government” has us paying GSMP over $400k yearly to slice, dice and sell our city to the highest property bidder? Oh but our “representatives” are creative, why, they’ve even hired a “Director Of Innovation”

    City council should keep their talk of “jobs” for some other fool. All local “big” construction projects are nothing but student housing—as are built by no one but illegals. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget how our property taxes have risen 300% over the last five years due to this never ending pyramid scheme. The City as a matter of law, may now condemn your property based on a promise for higher taxes paid by another person.

    So I move to elect Lisa Coppoletta because, she can write and talk for hours without anyone agreeing on whatever she is trying to say—which by its nature acts to stop all movement on behalf of anything. Sounds good, Just Do It.

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