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Hays County Commissioners to hold special meeting on Friday


The Hays County Commissioners will be holding a special meeting on Friday, August 27 at 9:30 a.m.

According to the agenda, it will be an open meeting, however, the meeting is for an executive session to receive a consult from counsel and hold deliberations regarding economic development negotiations associated with “Project Robot.”

“Project Robot” is a code word for an economic development Hays County may be considering or negotiating with that is kept from the public until a deal is ratified by the commissioners court vote and agreed to by the company.  

Economic Development is usually more than bringing new jobs to the area, it’s an investment in growing the local economy and enhancing the prosperity and quality of life for all residents.

Possible discussion and/or action concerning this agenda item will take place in open court after their executive session.

All economic development negotiations are held in executive sessions.



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