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County Commissioners declare September as Emergency Preparedness Month

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY — The Hays County Commissioners Court adopted a proclamation declaring September 2021 as Emergency Preparedness Month in Hays County. 

The agenda item cited the 2015 Wimberley and San Marcos Flood and the 2019 Dripping Springs Flood as examples of emergency situations in Hays County.

Mike Jones, Emergency Services Director, spoke to county commissioners on the importance of preparing for emergencies regularly. 

“If we make it a habit, then we’ll be prepared for anything that comes our way,” said Jones. “It’s not just the basic tenants of food, water, shelter and communication; it’s having a plan for your family.”

According to Michelle Villegas, Hays County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, several events will occur throughout September. Classes will take place to teach CPR, “Stop the Bleed,” and a citizen’s response to an active shooter, among others.

On September 30, the “30 ways for 30 days” campaign will begin on social platforms, highlighting a new skill daily to help citizens better prepare for emergencies. 

On September 1, the Hays County Offices of Emergency Services will begin an online silent auction featuring items such as wine tastings and cooking classes to donate to the Hays County Fire Chiefs Association.

In addition, on September 11 at the Emergency Preparedness Fair, the Blanco River regional recovery team will be holding a raffle, where proceeds will support the long-term recovery from disasters of citizens of Blanco, Caldwell, Guadalupe and Hays County. 

“All residents should ensure they’re prepared to face those threats for the best possible outcome to reduce the loss of life and property,” the county commissioner meeting agenda states. “Residents are encouraged to develop and practice emergency plans which include a communication strategy, emergency represented rendezvous locations and a preparedness kit taking into consideration the needs of the members of their household, including their pets.”

The agenda item passed unanimously, with all commissioners voting in favor.

Additional information on the Hays County Office of Emergency Services can be found on their website

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