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Nearly 2 million people in Texas are overdue for a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine

More than 11% of those who received their first dose haven’t gotten a second shot, and more than 1 million people are more than 90 days overdue.

By Kevin Reynolds

“This is science. Vaccines work, and they work much more effectively if people get both doses,” he added. “Using emotions, or opinions people get off of nonreputable sources, is not helping.”

Doctors were already fearful about Texas’ lagging vaccination rate. As of Sept. 11, roughly 49% of Texans were fully vaccinated, according to DSHS. Nationally, just under 54% are fully vaccinated.

Percent of Texans fully vaccinated

As of Sept. 12, about 49% of Texas’ 29 million people have been fully vaccinated — 83% of Texans are age 12 and older and thus eligible for a vaccine.


Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune


But second-shot hesitancy is equally concerning, especially as the highly contagious delta variant has sparked a new surge in cases and a sharp increase in hospitalizations and deaths. Against the delta variant, McDeavitt said, the effectiveness of one dose is akin to “not being vaccinated at all.”



Who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in Texas?

All people 12 and older are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in Texas. Children ages 12-17 can get the Pfizer vaccine, but COVID-19 vaccines are not mandatory for Texas students.

Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

State and local health officials say that vaccine supply is healthy enough to meet demand across much of Texas. Most chain pharmacies and many independent ones have a ready supply of the vaccine, which is administered free and mainly on a walk-in basis. Many private doctors’ offices also have it. And you can check current lists of large vaccine hubs that are still operating here. Public health departments also have vaccines. You can register with the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler either online or by phone. And businesses or civic organizations can set up their vaccine clinics to offer it to employers, visitors, customers, or members.

Should I still get the vaccine if I've had COVID-19?

Yes. Medical experts recommend that people who have had COVID-19 should still get the vaccine. If someone’s treatment included monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, they should talk to their doctor before scheduling a vaccine appointment. The CDC recommends that people who received those treatments should wait 90 days before getting the vaccine.

Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?

Yes. Health experts and public officials widely agree that the vaccine is safe. The three currently approved vaccine manufacturers — Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson — reported their vaccines are 95%, 94%, and 72% effective, respectively, at protecting people from serious illness. While no vaccine is without side effects, clinical trials for Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson show serious reactions are rare.


COVID-19 vaccine doses reported each day

The state has administered 29.9 million doses as of Sept. 12. The number of doses reported each day may include doses from previous days.


Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: The Texas Tribune


This story originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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  1. I wont recite the argument about whether the vaccine actually works. Simply put, the vaccination should protect those vaccinated, and therefore they shouldn’t have to worry about the unvaxed.

    Yet no one can explain why, if the vaccine works, that the unvaxed are able to infect the vaccinated. Instead, vaccinated now say the vaccine doesn’t really work, so let’s hunt down the unvaxed and kill them. But that brings up the question as to why people should be required to take a vaccine that doesn’t even work.

    1. I think Trey Ware (550 KTS) called it best. It isn’t a vaccine. It is a therapeutic. It doesn’t protect against infection or prevent transmission. It just kind of makes things more tolerable (for some). Meanwhile, it seems there are a disproportionate number of side-effects considering most people never realize they’ve been infected.

      Two interesting studies were released last week. I can’t remember did the second, but both from credible sources. Twenty years of “where did you get that!” tends to make one fairly careful.
      – 1. Someone actually went back to examine the VA Rona hospitalization stats. Turns out that a nearly half of Rona “hospitalizations” actually presented themselves for some other reason (i.e. gunshot, cancer, broken leg suddenly becomes Rona). So case counts can’t be trusted and, now, neither can hospitalization stats.
      – 2. They actually dug into the medical histories of severe Rona patients. Turns out old, fat and diabetic aren’t the only complicating factors. The worst cases also have compromised immune systems. Either working in depressed or hyperdrive state. Many had autoimmune response in which the body turned on itself. These are all factors associated with aging. <– Further proof that Rona doesn't kill anyone.

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