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Multiple Vehicle Thefts and Burglaries being reported in Hays County

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY – The Hays County TX Sheriffs Office (HCSO) has reported numerous burglaries and thefts of vehicles throughout Hays County in recent weeks.

According to the HCSO, most of the burglaries and thefts occurred on unlocked or unsecured vehicles.

“No community is immune from these thieves,” Hays County Sheriff Gary Cutler said. “Often these are crimes of opportunity and leaving our vehicles unlocked gives thieves the perfect opportunity to commit these crimes.”

Below are some tips the HCSO has shared to keep your vehicles and property better protected:

  • Ensure vehicles are locked and all valuables are removed or hidden from view.
  • Do not leave garage door openers visible in vehicles. Doing so could give thieves access to your garage or home.
  • On some newer vehicles, ensure you do not leave a key FOB (device used to remotely lock/unlock your vehicle and in some cases, it works based on proximity to your vehicle) inside your vehicle. This could allow the doors to be opened and the vehicle to be started and driven away.

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  1. Caused by sources from outside of the county.
    30,000 non resident students bear no causal relationship.
    Texas State University is a victim. Stop ignorantly accusing.
    We must learn how to overcome our victimhood together.
    Jail outsourcing costs are not real. Follow the science !
    It’s not funny. I’m genuinely weepy. For real. Believe a woman.

  2. Hi Janna,
    Your comment seems heartfelt. Can you tell me what it is referencing? The publishers of this page failed to match your comment with the appropriate article. The article I was reading on this page was about the rise of car thefts and burglaries in hays county. There is no mention of outsiders or students committing these offenses so you must be referencing another article

    1. Hi Jim,
      Your comment seems heartfelt. I agree the story doesn’t contribute any data besides saying crime is going up. You say “There is no mention of outsiders or students committing these offenses so you must be referencing another article.” Well if you say so, Jim. The publisher here allows one to express their own opinion, even if it’s “unrelated” to your opinion.

      You also tell us that “”The publishers of this page failed to match your comment with the appropriate article.”
      Am not sure why you’re taking that up with me. If so, maybe best directed to the publisher, okay?

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