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UPDATED: Sheriff’s office investigates suspected suicide on church grounds in Wimberley

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY – The Hays County Sheriff’s Office is conducting an investigation into a suspected suicide after a body was found on the grounds of a church in Wimberley Sunday morning.

According to HCSO, the body of Marcus Hamilton, 36, was found Sunday morning at First Baptist Church, which is located at 15951 Winters Mill Pkwy, in Wimberley.

Pastor Scott Weatherford of the First Baptist Church provided San Marcos Corridor News with a statement concerning the investigation.

We are saddened by this tragic lose of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family as they traverse this heartbreaking event. Mental health is an issue that is close to the heart of God and compels us as Christ followers to lean into life changing solutions. It is ironic that this young man ended his life on our church campus. We regret that we didn’t have the opportunity to help. However, we stand ready to help others. We are grateful for the first responders who treated this situation with love and dignity. May this young man Rest In Peace.

This is an ongoing investigation, and the HCSO says there is no danger to the public. 

San Marcos Corridor News will provide updates as they become available. 

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