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San Marcos seeks input on five-year sidewalk maintenance program

Staff Reports

The City of San Marcos’ Public Works Department developed an online survey to gather feedback on the City’s Five-Year Sidewalk Maintenance and Gap Infill Program. The department is seeking ideas and comments on sidewalk areas to include in the plan update.

The Sidewalk Maintenance and Gap Infill Program is a five-year plan that identifies improvements in areas needing sidewalk maintenance, where sidewalk gaps occur, or where no sidewalk exists. This program focuses on areas where no right-of-way acquisition is required, no major engineering is needed, and the projects are relatively quick and low cost.  The budget for this program is $200,000 per year.

“With COVID-19 concerns still high, we developed an online survey to allow residents to participate and provide feedback,” said Street Maintenance Manager Shawn Wolfshohl. “This tool will allow everyone to remain safe while giving our citizens a chance to offer their suggestions related to the sidewalk program.”

The online survey asks a few questions and includes a map component where residents can draw in their requests and attach pictures.  The online survey can be found at https://bit.ly/3GGVSOX.

Residents may view the City’s current Sidewalk Maintenance and Gap Infill plan at http://sanmarcostx.gov/306/StreetsSidewalks.

For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 512-393-8036.

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