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Unvaccinated Texans make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases and deaths this year, new state data shows

The new state survey is the first time Texas health officials have been able to statistically measure the vaccine's true impact on the pandemic.

By Karen Brooks Harper


COVID-19 was deadlier for unvaccinated Texans across age groups

Note: Most people became eligible for COVID-19 vaccines in late March.
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services
Credit: Mandi Cai

As of Nov. 23, about 54.3% of Texas’ 29.1 million people have been fully vaccinated. According to the Census Bureau’s 2019 Vintage population estimates, 93% of Texans are age 5 and older and thus eligible for a vaccine.

Sources: Vaccination data from the Texas Department of State Health Services, statewide population from the 2020 U.S. census, population by age from Census Vintage 2019 estimates
Credit: The Texas Tribune

Immunity heading into the holidays

A week ago, the CDC found that while both vaccination and natural infection provide about six months of protection from infection by the virus, the vaccine provides a “higher, more robust, and more consistent level of immunity” than natural infection does.

This story originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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