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Hays CISD committee recommends ‘Sunfield Elementary’ as new elementary school name

The 2021 Hays CISD Naming Committee will make a recommendation in December to the Board of Trustees to name the district’s fifteenth elementary campus Sunfield Elementary School. The school is located in the Sunfield community in Buda, Texas.

Approximately 360 name suggestions were submitted for the school during the name nomination period. Almost half of the suggestions, 152 of them, were to name the school Sunfield Elementary. In Hays CISD, schools can be named after the subdivision in which the facility is located, or after historical people or events.

“Naming a school is an important decision. The name will be in place at least 50 years and likely much, much longer,” said Tim Savoy, Hays CISD chief communication officer. “The committee was fortunate to have excellent participation in the naming nomination process and a number of viable options from which to choose. However, given the support for the name Sunfield, the decision was pretty easy for the committee to make – in terms of its recommendation to the school board. There is no doubt the Sunfield community is in full support of the new campus, which may eventually bear its name. It’s fun to watch the excitement surrounding a new school coming to life – not just the building, but also its personality.”

The Sunfield community is one of the newest, largest, and fastest growing communities in the school district. The new elementary school is currently under construction and is scheduled to open in August 2022.

The committee name recommendation, which was adopted by a 5 to 0 vote of the naming committee members (two members were not in attendance at the meeting), will be presented to the Board of Trustees during its business meeting on December 13, 2021.

By policy, and to give district residents a chance to contemplate the potential name, the Board will not vote on a final name selection until its January business meeting. The school mascot and colors would be selected later in a separate process.

View complete information about the naming process and the full list of suggestions at www.hayscisd.net/name.

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