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Open House planned for Kissing Alley Reconstruction

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS – The City of San Marcos will host an open house on Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022, for a project that will transform Kissing Alley, 121 E Hopkins St., into a downtown San Marcos destination. The open house will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., with live music and an opportunity for the public to offer feedback through comment cards and an online survey.

The $5 million project is part of the City’s objective to replace existing infrastructure along Kissing Alley to meet current standards. It will include storm drain, water, wastewater, gas, telecommunications, and electric utility upgrades along Kissing Alley, between Hopkins and University Drive.

Proposed design concepts, which will be finalized following public input, could include permeable pavers, enhanced lighting, seating, public art, performance spaces, and landscaping. The alley will likely be closed to vehicle traffic to improve walkability and provide outdoor space for visitors to congregate safely.

Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. has been selected as the design engineer for the Kissing Alley Reconstruction project. Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2023 and completion is anticipated in Spring 2025.

For more information, contact the Engineering & Capital Improvements Department at 512-393-8130.

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