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City of Wimberley General Election set for May 2022

Deadlines, Qualifications and Resources for Candidates Available Online and In Person

Staff Reports

Candidates for the 2022 City of Wimberley General Election may file an application for a place on the ballot starting Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022. The deadline to file is Friday, Feb. 18,  2022, 5 p.m. Election Day is Saturday, May 7, 2022.

The following positions will be filled in the upcoming general election:

  • Mayor (Gina Fulkerson, Current Office Holder)
  • City Council Place Two (Teresa Shell, Current Office Holder)
  • City Council Place Four (Jim Chiles, Current Office Holder)

Candidates should note the qualifications for office per Type A, General Law City (Local Government Code, Section 22.032)


    • Residence – 1 year in state prior to the filing deadline; 1 year in city prior to election day
    • Age – 18
    • Must be a registered voter in the county elected from by the filing deadline

Alderman/City Council Member:

    • Residence – 1 year in state prior to filing deadline; 6 months in the city prior to filing deadline
    • Age – 18
    • Must be a registered voter in the county elected from by the filing deadline

Election resources, deadlines and forms are available at cityofwimberley.com/2022GeneralElection. Filers may also get information and documents in person at Wimberley City Hall, 221 Stillwater, Wimberley, Texas 78676.

Please contact Laura Calcote, City Secretary at lcalcote@cityofwimberley.com or call 512-648-2403, for more information.

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