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Dripping Springs extends moratorium on development for additional 90 days

DRIPPING SPRINGS, TEXAS – February 16, 2022 – The Dripping Springs City Council last night voted to extend the Temporary Development Moratorium through May 21, 2022. The Moratorium will continue to affect permits for new development related to subdivision, site planning, development, land use, and construction in the City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction for both residential and commercial projects.

During the extended Moratorium, no City department will accept permit applications for development where a waiver or exception has not been approved.

The Temporary Development Moratorium was enacted on November 18, 2021, and was extended to run through February 20, 2022. Over the past three months, City leaders met with developers and builders who had questions or concerns and approved more than twenty waivers and exceptions primarily for ongoing projects.

The City also started the process of revisiting the comprehensive plan and studying land use and development in the City limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and is in negotiation with a professional land planning firm to provide comprehensive plan and development code services.

Following the public hearing last night, the Council extended the Moratorium. The Council continues to recognize the impact of rapid growth on providing for responsible development, especially as it relates to the provision of wastewater, but there was disagreement on the extension as it related to land use.

The vote to extend the Moratorium was split with Council Members Taline Manassian, Wade King, and April Harris Allison voting to extend. Council Member Sherrie Parks voted no and Council Member Geoffrey Tahuahua abstained.

The extension gives the City time to: assess the short-term and long-term comprehensive plan; review the City’s policies on the acceptance of applications for municipal permits for construction or development; and update the City’s permitting and planning requirements and processes for wastewater and transportation infrastructure.

The extension also gives the City time to obtain and review public input on the comprehensive plan. During the extension, the City will schedule input sessions to provide developers, residents, and business owners several opportunities to provide that input on the comprehensive plan as well as the development code update.

As it is currently, during the extended Development Moratorium, each department of the City will only accept applications or plans that include a request for a waiver or exception, or for projects where an exception or waiver has already been approved.

After the May extension, the City will no longer be able to extend the Moratorium based on the land use issue. The Moratorium could be extended further but only in relation to providing adequate wastewater infrastructure for the City. A notice and public hearing would be required prior to any extension.


During the temporary moratorium extension, developers and citizens can continue to find up-to-date information at cityofdrippingsprings.com/moratorium. Exception and waiver forms can also be found in this section.


Developers or citizens with questions should contact the Planning Department at moratorium@cityofdrippingsprings.com. Due to the anticipated high volume of inquiries on this matter, we request that all questions be submitted in writing.


All media inquiries should be directed to the Communications Department at 512-858-4725 or communications@cityofdrippingsprings.com.

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