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Dripping Springs attorney elected as new Hays County Bar President

Staff Reports

HAYS COUNTY — Carly Barton, Braun & Gresham attorney and counselor, has been elected as the Hays County Bar Association’s president for 2022. A member of the Association since 2018, Barton will act as the spokesperson for the legal community in Hays County and assist with the organization’s monthly meetings, along with educational and community service events hosted for and by members.

The Hays County Bar Association is a nonprofit professional organization of attorneys in the Hays County area. They organize CLE opportunities, volunteer their legal services and attend social events.

“The legal community in Hays County is pretty tight-knit. Because Hays is such a large county, the bar association provides opportunities to come together and discuss the legal challenges in our local community,” said Barton.

Before becoming president, Barton served a partial term on the Association’s board in 2021 and assisted in organizing and hosting the Hays County Bench Bar – an annual accreditation and networking conference. The Bench Bar provides attendees educational credits for legal courses, as well as an opportunity to meet with and learn from local and appellate judges.

Barton has found that her membership and subsequent presidency at the Hays County Bar Association has provided her access to a knowledgeable and devoted network of peers.

“Hays County is full of smart, passionate, local attorneys that provide their clients with great legal advice,” said Barton. “You don’t have to travel far or to a big city to access the legal services you need.”

Barton balances her role as the Bar Association’s president with her position as an attorney at Dripping Springs law firm, Braun & Gresham. As a landowner advocate for the firm, she helps property owners resolve their land issues by defending their rights and representing their interests throughout all stages of litigation.

For more information about Barton and her work with Braun & Gresham law firm, visit: https://braungresham.com

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