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San Marcos Fosters Leadership Potential

Priscilla Delgado, Information Literacy Specialist at Bowie Elementary in San Marcos CISD, recently attended the TALL Texans Leadership Development Institute, which is sponsored by the Texas Library Association.  The TALL Texans program is designed to foster and extend the leadership abilities and skills of 24 selected librarians from across the state.  Ms. Delgado was one of the 24 selected for 2016.
The participants are chosen for their leadership potential and must have a minimum of five years experience in a library, and selection to TALL Texans is highly competitive.  The leadership institute was held at the Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House in Lake Dallas.


Ms. Delgado is a native of San Marcos and a graduate of San Marcos High School.  She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Texas State University and a Master’s degree in Information Studies from The University of Texas at Austin.  Ms. Delgado was a 1st-grade teacher at Bowie Elementary before becoming the school librarian.  She has served as the librarian/Information Literacy Specialist at Bowie Elementary since 2011.

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