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Gary Job Corps Alumni Remembers

Reynaldo (Rey) de Luna, pictured to the right, visited the Gary Job Corps Center sharing with staff his experiences since his graduation in 1971.  Rey, upon his graduation, joined the United States Navy and became a jet mechanic and retired as a Chief, currently, he resides in Cadiz, Spain where he is a master trainer consulting for oil and gas companies on crisis management issues and law enforcement.  Rey further stated “ I was 16 when I came to Gary, my brother and cousin came here (they are both employed in what they studied at Gary) I wanted to focus on what I wanted to do.  Being from Mission, Texas there was not much of a future so coming to Job Corps was my step for a future.  I took drafting at Job Corps there was not much of a need in the Navy for draftsman so I become a jet mechanic.  Everything that I learned at Gary Job Corps has served me through my life, the buildings have changed by the spirit and mission have remained the same.  I have come a long way from picking tomatoes and cotton in the Valley with no future to being retired from the US Navy and training consultant in Spain.  Gary Job Corps was my foundation that has served me my whole life”. 

Also pictured are left, Lonnie Hall, Center Director, and  Melissa Valdez, Director of Student Training.

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