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Austin becomes the first Texas city to experiment with “guaranteed income”

Austin joins at least 28 U.S. cities, like Los Angeles, Chicago and Pittsburgh, that have tried out some form of “guaranteed income” — financial assistance targeted at needy households.

By Joshua Fechter

“This is about preventing displacement, preventing eviction, and ensuring that our families are able to stay in their home, that we have that stability,” council member Vanessa Fuentes said.

This story was originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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  1. 85 needy households is not even a solution. Especially when the cost is being passed on to working-class and low-income families. If Austin elected officials truly cared about their residents, they would lower electric utility rates. And keep property taxes affordable. Since there are no restrictions on how the money could be spent, it could be an extra grand for anything besides what the money is intended. It’s socialism and the taxpayers will foot the bill. It is called buying votes. Keep your Austin Socialism 30 miles away from the working poor and missing middle in San Marcos.

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