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Almost 100 Texas school districts have added their own police departments since 2017, but not everyone feels safer

Officials have called for more armed officers on campuses in the wake of the Uvalde shooting. Experts and some parents, though, say more law enforcement on campus doesn’t necessarily make schools safer.

By María Méndez

Number of new Texas school police departments surged in 2018

Of the 309 school police departments in Texas, 91 were created after the Parkland and Santa Fe school shootings in 2018.

Note: The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement began overseeing the creation of school police departments in September 2009. The commission said creation dates before then may be unreliable. One of the Texas school police departments created in 2018 was formed a month before the Parkland shooting.
Source: Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Credit: Eric Lau

Officers on campus

Concerns about policing at schools

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One Comment

  1. School Choice is where parents can vote with their feet. Parents can choose schools that are an open target and other parents can choose schools that take school safety seriously.

    Just because one mother is scared of police in schools doesn’t mean she speaks for everyone. She only speaks on behalf of her family and no one else.

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