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Breaking: Austin City Manager Resigns

Mark Ott’s letter to the City of Austin personnel and employee’s


“The purpose of this memo is to inform you that earlier today I notified the Mayor and Council of my resignation as City Manager, effective October 30, 2016.


My resignation is due to the acceptance of an offer to serve as the Executive Director of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) in Washington,O.C.


As I mentioned in my letter to City Council, this was a difficult decision for me, one that came only after considerable thought and mixed emotions. As I look back on my almost nine years as your City Manager, I am proud of all that we have done. It was through hard work, strategic focus and our combined efforts, that we have accomplished so much for our community.


Since entering the municipal management profession more than 30 years ago, it has always been my goal to one day provide leadership to one of America’s premier cities. Serving as City Manager of this great city has afforded me that rare and unique opportunity.


What made this such a challenging decision, and what I will miss most, is the City of Austin employee family I leave behind. Never before have I worked with a more talented and dedicated workforce.  It was our employees that made my work so gratifying each day!


I will always have a deep and abiding love for Austin and its residents. And only the most compelling job opportunity could draw me away from this great city. Leading the ICMA, with its immense impact on the practice of local government management around the world, is that exceptional opportunity that comes around ever so often in a person’s career.


Austin is a wonderful city that is well-positioned for even greater success. I am confident that both the Austin City Council and our employee workforce will continue to work together to serve our city’s residents with distinction and ho.nor.

With much gratitude!

Mark Ott”



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