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Delinquent Child Support Payments May Affect Your Vehicle Registration Renewal

Your favorite Tax Assessor-Collector, Luanne Caraway reminds parents who are 180 days or more delinquent on child support payments that beginning September 1, the Office of Attorney General (OAG) will start notifying those parents that their vehicle registration renewals beginning in December will be blocked until payment arrangements are made.

As provided by State law, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) can deny vehicle registration renewals of parents who have not paid child support for at least six months. The law applies to the OAG child support cases and allows the OAG to deny renewal of Texas licenses, registrations and permits held by individuals with delinquent accounts.

Parents will receive a letter from the Office of the Attorney General stating that their vehicle registration will not be renewed until they contact the Attorney General’s office to arrange a payment plan and make a satisfactory payment toward the plan. The letter will also provide information regarding the steps that can be taken to release the hold on their vehicle registration renewal.

The OAG can be contacted at 866-646-5611. For more information, visit www.txdmv.gov and www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cs/welcome-to-the-child-support-division.

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