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Rattler Golf Team Hosts First Alumni Golf Tournament

The San Marcos High School Golf Boosters recently held its first SMHS Golf Team Alumni Tournament, hosting over thirty golfers and benefitting the SMHS Golf Program. Golf Team alumni from as far back as the Rattler class of 1953 met at Quail Creek on August 27th to compete for awards and reminisce.

Current Rattler golf team members served as goodwill ambassadors, and a successful and fun day was enjoyed by all. The new annual tournament is the brainchild of SMHS Golf Coach and PGS Professional, Mel Callender (Rattler Golf Class of 1974), who envisioned a fundraising opportunity that would not only benefit current Rattler golfers but also serve as a day of celebration for former Rattler golf teammates.

Pictured from left to right are Roy Holbrook, Marcus Opheim, David Patterson, Scott Yarbrough, Bucky Smith, Jackie Waldrip, Mel Callender, Rene Ruiz. Not pictured: Charles Waldrip.

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