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2 Scholarships Available For Student Leaders


SUBJECT: United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP)

The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is a unique educational experience for talented junior or senior high school students who demonstrate outstanding leadership and a strong commitment to public service.

Texas will select two student leaders as delegates (and two alternates) who will join others from across the nation in Washington, D.C. for an intensive week-long educational program. During their visit, delegates will be immersed in leadership activities and interact with high-level officials, hearing major policy addresses by senators, cabinet members, officials of the Departments of State and Defense, as well as other federal agencies. The program is sponsored by the Hearst Foundations, who fund all delegate expenses for Washington Week (transportation, hotel, meals). Each delegate is also awarded a $5,000 undergraduate college scholarship, with encouragement to pursue careers in public service.

Please see the Texas Education Agency (TEA) USSYP webpage for more information: www.tea.texas.gov/USSYP/

Application due date: October 15, 2016


For more information about this program, please contact Kelly Ocasio by email at kelly.ocasio@tea.texas.gov or by phone at 512-936-6060.

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