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Texas State “Step Up for State” Online Giving Event

SAN MARCOS – Texas State University will launch its inaugural “Step Up for State” online giving event at 8 a.m. September 21, to support mission-critical projects for the university.

The campaign will last 1,899 minutes—corresponding with the university’s 1899 founding—and conclude at 3:39 p.m. September 22. Gifts may be made online at www.donate.txstate.edu/stepup. 

“Step Up for State” provides alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends of the university the opportunity to come together and support Texas State. Individuals will be able to choose from 26 projects from across 15 colleges, research institutes and university divisions to support. There is no minimum gift limit and all contributions are tax-deductible.

The event will also feature an active social media component on Facebook (www.facebook.com/txstgiving/) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/txstgiving).

For more information, visit www.donate.txstate.edu/stepup.

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