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2016 TCCRI Education Summit

Education is the cornerstone of our society

By, Jason Isaac


A 19th-century politician put it this way: “Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.”

It’s critical that our children and grandchildren get a rigorous and well-rounded education so they can continue the path of freedom our founding fathers blazed so long ago.

That’s why I’m excited to be participating in the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute’s upcoming Education Summit this Wednesday at 1:30 at at Texas State University with Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath and several of my conservative colleagues in the legislature.

This event is free and open to the public — if you’re interested in learning about what our state is doing to improve education, and the challenges that still lay ahead, I want to invite you to join us. 

Please register online here. I hope to see you there! 

The 2016 TCCRI Education Summit event will feature:

  • State Senator Donna Campbell
  • State Rep. Tony Dale
  • State Rep. Jason Isaac
  • State Rep. Paul Workman
  • TEA Commissioner Mike Morath

ABOUT TCCRI: According to the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute Facebook Page, they were “founded in 1996 by a group of conservative leaders with a vision to implement conservative public policies in state government. The organization was inspired by the success of the Texas Conservative Coalition (the conservative caucus in the Texas Legislature) that has served as a resource for information and public policy strategies for Texas legislators since 1985.”

“TCCRI has distinguished itself as a leading state-based think tank and has been very successful living up to its mission of shaping public policy through a principled approach to government. Its research reports and policy forums have been instrumental in generating proposals that are shaping Texas government and influencing a new generation of conservative leadership.”

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