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Food Bank Thanks Calvary Baptist Church For 30 Year Partnership

For 30+ years, Calvary Baptist Church has assisted Hays County Food Bank with their mission to serve the hungry of Hays County. During this partnership, the church served as a weekly distribution site, where the food bank could distribute meats, fresh produce, bread, and nonperishable food items.  Church volunteers provided consistent support by assembling bags of food to hand out to those in need.  On average, Calvary Baptist Church saw 40 households at each distribution – a total of over 54,000 households served.  After nearly three decades, Hays County Food Bank and Calvary Baptist Church made the mutual decision to conclude their cooperative arrangement. However, Calvary will continue to operate its own on-site food pantry.  

Hays County Food Bank would like to extend a sincere thank you on behalf of the individuals and families that were supported by this collaboration.  Pastor Dennis Spire and the Calvary Baptist Church congregation are wonderful advocates for the food insecure.  They always treated food bank clients with the utmost respect.

If you have any questions about Hays County Food Bank, our public food distribution sites, or the food insecure population of Hays County, please contact Denise Blok (Chief Executive Officer) at (512) 392-8300 x234 or dblok@haysfoodbank.org.

In 2015, The Hays County Food Bank and its 20+ partner agencies distributed 690,397 pounds of food to an average of nearly 12,000 food, insecure residents, a month. The population served included senior citizens, children, and many others facing economic challenges.  “Food insecurity” refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it.  Hays County Food Bank is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the public to perform its mission.  For more information, please visit haysfoodbank.org or visit us on Facebook or Twitter at @HaysFoodBank.

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