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Hays CISD: Say Goodbye To “Dixie”

What do you think? Do you think the mascot should be the next to go?
Here’s a link to everything you always wanted to know about this song in “our history.”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixie_(song), includes that the song was a favorite of President Abraham Lincoln; he had it played at some of his political rallies and at the announcement of General Robert E. Lee‘s surrender.
This link also includes ALL the lyrics that have been changed or added through the years.
From the Wikipedia link above, and is the first paragraph; “Dixie“, also known as “I Wish I Was in Dixie“, “Dixie’s Land“, and other titles, is a popular American song. It is one of the most distinctively American musical products of the 19th century,[1] and probably the best-known song to have come out of blackface minstrelsy.[2] Although not a folk song at its creation, “Dixie” has since entered the American folk vernacular. The song likely cemented the word “Dixie” in the American vocabulary as a toponym for the Southern United States.


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