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City of San Marcos Encourages River Safety

A day on the San Marcos River should be a fun and safe experience for every resident and visitors. The San Marcos River is a local treasure. It’s beautiful, pristine and a refreshing 72 degrees all year long.

However, due to recent rains and flooding the water levels are higher than usual and current may also be swifter. The river is still safe to enjoy, and a pleasant place to spend an afternoon, but the City of San Marcos does ask all visors and residents to be diligent and practice river safety.

Rio Vista Park, Children’s Park, City Park and Bicentennial Park, along with the Lions Club tube rental operation at City Park are all open for use. Tubers are asked to leave the river at Rio Vista Park because of dangerous river conditions beyond that area.

Below are some tips to ensure a day of floating or swimming in the City’s open river is safe and enjoyable.

Safety Tips:

  • Wear a flotation device if you are not a strong swimmer
  • While alcohol is permitted in the river, you should avoid river actives when under the influence of alcohol.
  • Don’t swim alone
  • Watch for overhanging branches or swift currents that may cause tubes to overturn
  • Check river conditions before braving the waters
  • Call 911 if they see a life-threatening or emergency situation

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