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Living Outside The Lines: Things We Do for Love

by, Becky J Miller


It is a Wednesday morning, dark and quiet. Most of the community is still tranquil in their warm and cozy beds, or shuffling about their homes making preparations for the day. Me? I was out the door by 5:15 a.m., arriving on the doorstep of a very dear friend by 5:45 to escort her to Christus Santa Rosa Hospital in New Braunfels. And here I will stay until she is out of surgery. 


Wearing my Wonder Woman baseball jersey, Texas Rangers running shorts, comfortable Brooks tennis shoes, and hair in a ponytail, I am prepared for the long haul. Since hospital waiting rooms are notoriously cold, I even grabbed a jacket. In addition to my laptop, my carry bag is stocked with an iPad, two issues of Women’s Running magazine, Reader’s Digest, Texas Co-Op Power magazine, Baylor magazine, two issues of Women’s Health, Runner’s World magazine, Hardin Simmons University Range Rider and finally a Tom’s shoes catalog. Overkill? Perhaps, but surely there’s no chance of boredom. 


Arriving to the hospital early means choosing the best seat in the house. Mine is soft, extra wide, has a fluffy pillow and an ottoman on which to rest my legs. Once my friend is completely checked in, sleep inducing drugs introduced, and wheeled into surgery and I set off in search of my favorite food; bean and cheese breakfast tacos! Waiting does require proper nutrition, ya know?


Some may ask why I would take an unpaid day off from work just to sit in a cold, nondescript hospital waiting room. Well, let me tell you about my friend. Her name is Danielle and we’ve pals for about twenty years. The relationship was sealed when my youngest son, who was potty training at the time, unceremoniously christened her. Though she is now an assistant elementary school principal, she began her career as a teacher, the kind of teacher who would do anything for a child, even one outside the scope of her responsibly.


Our oldest son was home-schooled for 3rd and 4th grades. Science presented a challenge until Danielle arrived with her beakers, Bunsen burners, scientific measuring cup and other fancy gadgets. She also provided his Texas history curriculum. All services which we paid for via super nachos, supreme pizza and Dr. Pepper. As our lives evolved, she eventually taught both our daughter and youngest son in the San Marcos public school system.   


After our car accident in 2011, it was Danielle who took charge of our recovery. She arranged a ride home to San Marcos from the hospital in Austin, made sure I had the appropriate clothes and undergarments to wear over and around the titanium halo surgically attached to my skull, as well as buying and installing a new showerhead in our bathroom that I could easily use during my recovery. She stayed at our house for weeks, leaving for work and returning every evening after work. She even took on the daunting task of washing my hair, first rigging trash bags over the rest of me to try and keep everything else dry.


Danielle is my adventure partner. There is virtually nothing she isn’t willing to try. We’ve been to concerts, plays, movies, graduations, cheerleading competitions, 50th wedding anniversary celebrations, kids football, basketball, soccer games and track meets, mini-golf, bowling, dance recitals, hiking, kayaking, paddle-boarding, and women’s semi-professional football games. Although she doesn’t really listen to country music, she volunteered to attend a Keith Urban concert with me, just because.


She served as our worship leader for a two tumultuous years as we started a new church. In our most recent church venture, she conducted try-outs for those interested in joining the brand new, from the ground up, worship team. There is nothing this woman would not do; nowhere she would not go for those she cares for and about.  


Danielle gives of herself completely, rarely asking for anything in return. So, when she told me about her surgery, I did not think twice about offering to be her chauffer and guardian of her mini Zebra pillow pet. I can never repay her acts of kindness during our time of greatest need, but that’s not really what friendship is all about, it’s about being there for each other, and that I absolutely can do.


And those are the kinds of things we do for love!


P.S. For anyone curious about Danielle’s well-being, her surgery went beautifully. She was released from the hospital that very same day, and safely home before dinner.

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess” 


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