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The Brief: Some In Texas GOP Agree On “Rigged” Election Claim

by Alex Samuels


The Big Conversation


Some Texas GOP officials are sympathizing with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s claim that the November election may be “rigged” against him. 


Trump’s assertion that there’s some sort of conspiracy against his candidacy — which includes “large-scale” voter fraud — comes after his campaign and polling numbers have faltered.


And while Alicia Pierce, a spokeswoman for the secretary of state’s office, said in a statement to the Tribune that voter fraud in Texas would be “essentially impossible,” Texas GOP Chairman Tom Mechler said he agrees with Trump’s concerns.  


“We do share a concern” with Trump, Mechler said Tuesday. “We know it’s out there, and we know it’s massive. We’re doing everything we can to identify and to prepare for it.”  


As the Tribune’s Patrick Svitek reports, not everyone agrees with the billionaire business mogul.


On Tuesday, Manny Garcia, the executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, said Trump’s concerns are insincere and that Trump “knows his campaign is in a tailspin — and as a result, he’s weaving a web of excuses with dangerous charges that strike at the core of our country’s democracy.” 

This article was originally published by The Texas Tribune.

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