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Texas Education Agency Announces The Continuation Of Texas SUCCESS

Student Success Initiative Online Mathematics and Reading Resources

Continuation of Texas SUCCESS – Student Success Initiative Online Mathematics and Reading Resources
The TEA announced to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools that the 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, appropriated funds for the commissioner to issue a competitive request for proposals (RFP) for statewide licenses to provide supplemental computer-based reading and mathematics instruction to all students in grades for which accelerated instruction is required.

TEA will issue RFPs for reading and mathematics resources this summer and it is anticipated that resources resulting from the RFPs will be made available to districts and charter schools this fall.

The following existing online mathematics and reading resources currently available through TEA’s Texas SUCCESS (Students Using Curriculum Content to Ensure Sustained Success) initiative will be available through August 31, 2015 and students who were enrolled in grades 3-8 during the 2014-2015 school year may continue to use the resources until that time.
Think Through Math, which provides an online interactive math program including live bilingual tutors to engage and assist students as they work to strengthen their math skills and deepen their understanding of math concepts.
Istation, whichprovides an online interactive reading program consisting of engaging, interactive content in a game-like format.
TEA’s designated SSI Support Center for Texas SUCCESS at Region 20 Education Service Center will continue to operate during normal business hours until July 31, 2015.

For additional information about the current resources, visit www.texassuccess.org. To contact the SSI Support Center before July 31 emailhelp@texassuccess.org or call 877-315-4918 (toll free). Beginning July 31, questions may be sent to ssi@tea.texas.gov.

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