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N LBJ Lift Station Replacement Continues Wastewater Improvements

Beginning, July 6 city contractors will start construction to upgrade an existing lift station that was identified in the 2015 Wastewater Master Plan as a priority for replacement.

City Council approved a contract on May 19 with Prota Construction of Lakeway to construct a new lift station near the intersection of North LBJ and Craddock Avenue.

The project is not expected to have any effect on traffic during construction.

The $1.5 million project includes the construction of a new wastewater lift station that is rated to handle 2,050 gallons per minute, a new force main, sewer lines and four new manholes.

The existing lift station will be demolished and removed and litter collection screens will be installed on the existing detention pond headwall.

This project is the fourth phase of five phases to bring wastewater improvements to this area. Phases I and II installed an upsized sewer main in CM Allen Parkway, then in Aquarena Springs Drive and to Sessom. Phase III is under construction now in North LBJ. This phase installs the sewer main up N LBJ from Sessom to Holland and is anticipated to be completed this summer.

The final phase of the improvements will be constructed in 2017 as the North LBJ & Oakridge Utility Improvements Project.

For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/engineering.

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