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TxDOT Report Reveals Future Vision For Loop 360

AUSTIN – After nearly two years of analysis on the proposed Loop 360 corridor scenarios, the Texas Department of Transportation released the comprehensive final study report that reflects the results of public input received to date, as well as the technical analysis of possible improvement scenarios for the corridor.

The Loop 360 Improvement Study, initiated in late 2014, has identified a range of potential short- and long-term mobility and safety improvements along Loop 360.

The report details nine different scenarios studied, covering the full spectrum from doing nothing to building a limited-access highway. Then, each scenario was analyzed using 10 criteria to help citizens compare and contrast the proposed corridor improvements.

“Currently, the region’s long range transportation plan contains no plans for improvements to this important north/south corridor because there has been no consensus on what improvements should be made,” said Terry McCoy, Austin District Engineer.

“This study is the first step towards identifying proposed short- and long-term improvements for the corridor to address growing traffic concerns, which results in mobility and safety issues,” McCoy continued.

The report is intended to show how various improvement scenarios could impact mobility, safety, environmental resources, aesthetics, and other corridor characteristics.

This will help stakeholders and the public understand the tradeoffs of different scenarios and what compromises can be made to balance the wide range of needs along the corridor, concluding with a recommendation of improvements to be carried forward for more detailed study in the next phase of project development.

“TxDOT is committed to incorporating community values and implementing changes to Loop 360 to address the mobility and safety needs, while also maintaining the aesthetic and environmental appeal of this iconic central Texas roadway,” McCoy said.

Read the Loop 360 Improvement Study Report at www.Loop360Study.org 


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