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Texas Is 2016’s 9th Fattest State in America

With November being National Diabetes Awareness Month and Americans collectively spending up to $315.8 billion annually on obesity-related medical treatment, the personal finance website WalletHub took an in-depth look at 2016’s Fattest States in America.

In order to encourage America to tip the scale back to good health, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 17 key metrics. They range from “percentage of adults and children who are overweight and obese” to “sugary-beverage consumption among adolescents.”
The Fat Problem in Texas (1=Worst; 25=Avg.)

18th – % of Adults Who Are Overweight

11th – % of Adults Who Are Obese

9th – % of Children Who Are Overweight

10th – % of Children Who Are Obese

7th – % of Residents Who Are Physically Inactive

19th – % of Residents with High Cholesterol

19th – % of Adults Eating Less than 1 Serving of Fruits/Vegetables per Day

13th – % of Residents with Diabetes

16th – % of Residents with Hypertension

For the full report, please visit:
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a phone, Skype or in-studio interview with one of our experts. Full data sets for specific states and the District are also available upon request.

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