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Facility Planning Meeting to Address Enrollment Growth in San Marcos CISD

Student enrollment and projected student growth is resulting in overcrowded facilities. The San Marcos Community has always been proactive in addressing needs of students.  Therefore, the need for a facility improvement plan for San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District is needed.   SMCISD has comprised a group of individuals to help represent the community and develop a plan to address the future growth concerns.  The Facility Planning Steering Committee will have its first meeting on November 15, at 6:30 p.m., at the Goodnight Middle School cafeteria. The meeting is open to the public.


“This is one of our most important goals this school year,” commented Michael Cardona, Superintendent of Schools. “Unless we successfully address the pressures of growing enrollment with added classroom space, the overcrowded condition of schools could soon have a negative impact on student performance. As a community, we just can’t allow that to happen. I hope many members of our community will attend the first Steering Committee meeting to learn about this challenge.”


At its initial meeting, working with architects from Perkins+Will, the Steering Committee members will learn about the planning process including goals for the program, demographics, building condition and capacity, and how the condition of facilities relate to the delivery of 21st century teaching methods. The tentative calendar calls from the facility improvement plan to be completed sometime in January 2017.


Community members are encouraged to attend this important meeting. There will be opportunities for public comment and input.

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