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Texas Offering Grants For Veterans, Families Mental Health

AUSTIN – The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is reaching out to community organizations to announce the availability of up to $10 million in grants to help veterans and their families manage mental health issues. The deadline to apply is Dec. 6.


HHSC recently issued a “request for applications” for the second round of Texas Veterans + Family Alliance grants, aimed at improving quality of life for Texas veterans and their families by increasing access to mental health treatment and services.


State Sen. Jane Nelson’s Senate Bill 55 established the program, which provides up to $20 million in state funds over the 2016-2017 biennium to be matched with local and private funds by the grantees.


The first round of grants, worth nearly $10 million, were announced in October. Also, a $1 million state-funded pilot effort, with community match, began last summer in five locations in Texas.


Organizations that want to apply for the grants should visit the Electronic State Business Daily website here.


For more information about behavioral health services in Texas, please visit www.MentalHealthTX.org.


For more information about services for Texas veterans, families and their survivors, click here. For immediate assistance, dial 2-1-1 or (800) 252-VETS. 


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