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52nd Anniversary Gary Job Corps Visit To LBJ Ranch

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100Gary Job Corps located in San Marcos, Texas, first opened on March 4, 1965, and today, Gary Job Corps is the largest Job Corps center in the United States.


On November 20, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson made an announcement to his alma mater, Southwest Texas State University (present day Texas State University). Telling his audience: “I would like to establish a Job Corps camp to train between 1,000 and 2,000 young men in the skills which will make it possible for them to contribute to the prosperity of the community, and to ultimately become leaders of their fellow men.”


With the President’s announcement, the former Gary Army Air Field, which had been deactivated a few years previously, transitioned from air base to a career technical training facility. 


Barracks and buildings were converted to dormitories, classrooms, career technical training shops, and offices.  By March 1965, Gary Job Corps was ready to receive its first students-all male (the Center became co-ed in 1975). 


Today, Gary Job Corps is the largest Job Corps center in the United States. 


It is situated on 800 acres and is home for up to 1471 male and female students. 


Students can obtain their high school diploma via the Internet and acquire an accredited high school diploma through the Southwest Texas High School. 


The Center offers over 25 career technical training opportunities ranging from health occupations to business technology related professions. 


Other career technical training opportunities include construction, manufacturing, and correctional and security officer training. Additionally Gary offers career technical training with the Transportation Communications Union (TCU). 


Approaching its 52nd Anniversary, Gary Job Corps has undergone many changes physically and philosophically, but its mission has remained the same – to provide quality career technical training and education to young people.    


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