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Mensor Employees Donate Over 2 Tons Of Food For Families In Need

Each year around Thanksgiving, Mensor, LP employees form teams and hold a friendly competition to see who can collect the most non-perishable foods to give to Hays County Food Bank. Since 2008, Mensor has donated nearly 20,000 pounds of canned, bagged, and boxed food items.

This year, the teams collected a total of 4,036 pounds that will be given out to local families in need.

Mensor Cares, a nonprofit organization made up of members of Mensor employees, also made an $800 monetary donation to Hays County Food Bank.

The food bank is grateful for the generosity of this organization and the staff who participate in this giving program. 

In 2015, Hays County Food Bank and its 20+ partner agencies distributed 690,397 pounds of food to an average of nearly 12,000 food, insecure residents, each month. These residents were senior citizens, children, and many others facing economic challenges.  “Food insecurity” refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it.  Hays County Food Bank is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the public to perform its mission.  For more information, please visit haysfoodbank.org or visit us on Facebook or Twitter at @HaysFoodBank.

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