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Rattler Golf Team Gives Back

As a part of their monthly Rattlers Giving Back Campaign, the San Marcos High School Golf Team recently gathered and donated over 140 pounds of non-perishable food items to the Hays County Food Bank. Rattler Golfers also toured the food bank facility and learned about food insecurity in Hays County. This monthly community service project was initiated by Coach Mel Callender and sponsored by the SMHS Golf Boosters.


Pictured left to right back row: John Suarez, Logan Walden, Lauren Jones, Robert Hernandez, Hannah McGee, Max Esparza, Gabriel Newton, Coach Mel Callender and HCFB Rep., Mallory Raschke. Front row: Dylan Johnson, Trystan Summers-Vizelio, Zach Lynch, Taylor Pauli, and Ivory Barrera. 




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