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Bowie Storyville Literacy Festival Marks Its 11th Anniversary

Bowie Elementary recently celebrated their 11th Annual Storyville Literacy Festival in a variety of special events, beginning with a November 1st proclamation by Mayor Daniel Guerrero and the City Council that November 14-18 would be Bowie Elementary Storyville Week.

Festivities included a visit by children’s author Nikki Loftin, a free book giveaway, a door and pumpkin decorating contest, a special Parent Night, a book character dress-up day, a community read-in with volunteers, and finally a book character parade on Friday, November 18, led by Superintendent Michael Cardona.


The week’s activities were coordinated by Information Literacy Specialist Priscilla Delgado. The Bowie front office was decorated in honor of Dr. Seuss—complete with office staff dressed as classic Seuss characters—and volunteers registered in the library, which was decorated as the Land of Oz. The parade featured the talents of the SMHS Drum Line, Diamond Line, and Cheerleaders, along with several costumed mascots.

City Hall proclamation photo by Don Anders—Bottom row, left to right: Demetrius Pastrano, Kutter-Gage Webb, Gabriela Burleson, Naya Burleson, and Addyson Chomel.  Middle row, left to right: Priscilla Delgado (Information Literacy Specialist), Reagan Chomel, Pam Thomas (Principal), Sherri Randow (Student Council sponsor/teacher), and Daniela Burleson (teacher).  Back row, left to right: Mayor Guerrero, City Manager Jared Miller, and City Council members John Thomaides, Scott Gregson, and Jane Hughso

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