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City Of San Marcos To Hold Flood Recovery Town Hall Meeting

The City of San Marcos is joining with representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Small Business Administration and other disaster recovery agencies to host a town hall meeting.  The meeting is set for Wednesday, June 17 at the San Marcos Activity Center at 501 E. Hopkins St. at 6 p.m.
FEMA and SBA representatives will provide an overview of programs and benefits available to flood survivors. City staff will share information on the permit process and other City resources available to those who are rebuilding and repairing their homes.  There will also be an opportunity for residents to ask questions about the flood recovery.
“Our community is working hard to rebuild and repair.  It’s our goal to ensure that our citizens are aware of every available resources to help them recovery from this disaster,” said City Manager Jared Miller.  “I encourage every flood survivor to attend this meeting to ensure they have the facts regarding the aid available to them.”
The meeting will streamed online on the City’s website at www.sanmarcostx.gov/SMTXFloodTownHall.  There will be an opportunity for online viewers to ask questions using a chat feature on the website.  The meeting will not be available live on the municipal cable channels, but will be available on the City’s cable channels the following day.

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