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Hill & Wilkinson Completes $8M Expansion On Star Park One

STAR Park serves as an incubator for start-up and early-stage businesses by providing tenants access to secure wet labs, clean space, conference rooms and office space for research and development…

By, Amy Works

San Marcos, Texas — Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors has completed the expansion of Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Park One expansion at Texas State University in San Marcos.

The $8 million project added 16,000 square feet of lab space and office suites, bringing the facility to a total of 36,000 square feet.

STAR Park serves as an incubator for start-up and early-stage businesses by providing tenants access to secure wet labs, clean space, conference rooms and office space for research and development.

The project team included PhiloWilke Partnerships, GarzaBury Engineering, E&C Engineers and Consultants and Cardno Haynes Whaley.

You can find out more about STAR Park at http://www.txstate.edu/starpark/, and for additional information on their research projects at http://www.txstate.edu/research/.

Find Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors at http://www.hill-wilkinson.com/.

This article originally published by REBusiness.


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